Kaelyn Hrabak

Click here to email Coach Gloria Nantulya re: Kaelyn Hrabak


School:  Lake Braddock Secondary School, Burke, VA
Class of: 2027

GPA: 3.73 (Weighted) and 3.48 (Unweighted)

AP and Honors classes:
10th Grade: AP World History: Modern, English 10 Honors, Algebra 2 Honors, Chemistry Honors, French 4 Honors
9th Grade: World History/Geography Honors, English 9 Honors, Geometry Honors, Biology 1 Honors, French 3
8th Grade: Algebra 1 Honors

National Junior Honor Society Vice President
Student Government Class Officer
Principal’s Cabinet Steering Committee Leader
French Honor Society

Lake Braddock Secondary Varsity Starter (freshman and sophomore years)
Second Team All District (Patriot District) – Midfield

Major Tournaments:
U16 Region 8 Club Championship (2024-4th Place, 2023-5th Place)
U14 Region 8 Club Championship (2022, 2021)
U16 NIT (2024 and NITQ Bracket Winner)
U19 Sunshine Showcase (2024-Silver Medalist)
U14 Sunshine Showcase (2022)
U19 National Hockey Festival (2023)
U14 National Hockey Festival (2022-2nd Place)
U14 Region 8 JPOL (2021-4th Place)

Other Sports:
Varsity Swim and Dive
Varsity Track and Field (shot put and discus)

Game Film:
U16 Regional Club Championships (with HUSEL), May, 2024:

U16 Spring 2024 Season (with HUSEL):

U16 National Indoor Tournament (with HUSEL), March 2024:

Indoor 2023-2024 Highlights:

U19 Festival (with HUSEL), Naples, FL, Nov 2023:

2023 Freshman Varsity Season, Lake Braddock Secondary: